The Queen of Zombie Hearts White Rabbit Chronicles Gena Showalter Books

The Queen of Zombie Hearts White Rabbit Chronicles Gena Showalter Books
It took me a bit to finish listening to The Queen of Zombie Hearts because I just wanted to hold off on finishing this book. The first apart of the book alone put me through the ringer and I needed some time to recuperate.Gena Showalter definitely knows how to make a reader go through so many emotions in just the beginning of the book. Geez! I was not prepared to deal with it all.
Alice Bell thinks the worst is behind her, until Anima Industries decides to play dirty. This is when the emotional rollercoaster happens in the story. Be prepared for it by getting yourself a box of tissues a head of time, otherwise you will be like me, using your shirt or your husband's shirt to wipe away the tears. Darn you, Gena! I wasn't prepared.
The war between Anima and the slayers have definitely come forward, but this time Alice and the slayers are not prepared. There's also the issue of this woman showing up to only Alice to share information with her and help her with new powers. Unfortunately, the other slayers don't like this at all. Alice is going to learn a lot about herself and her past. It may drive a wedge between her and Cole. There's also other issues that show up in the story that I do not want to give away. Cole though is still a favorite of mine, even when he's been offish. I just adore him, especially with Ali. They eventually get some happiness, but it takes a lot of heartache for that to happen.
This book definitely was the tearjerker of the books so far. I haven't read the fourth book yet and I'm afraid too after what happened in this one. I will though eventually. I'll have to listen to it, like I did with this one and the other two.
Overall, I give this book 4.5 stars and recommend it to Young Adult Fantasy readers out there. Read these books in order though. You definitely don't want to read them out of order.
Gena Showalter has always been a master of storytelling, which is why she will forever be a auto-buy author for me. I look forward to not only the fourth book in the White Rabbit Chronicles, but the other books she's planning to write in the future. LOVE her books!

Tags : The Queen of Zombie Hearts (White Rabbit Chronicles) (9780373211319): Gena Showalter: Books,Gena Showalter,The Queen of Zombie Hearts (White Rabbit Chronicles),Harlequin Teen,0373211317,Horror,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Romance - General,Horror stories.,Supernatural;Fiction.,Zombies;Fiction.,10019815,115026X,20141001,707220,Adventure; Alice in Wonderland; Bad Boy; Children's; Fantasy; Paranormal; Romance; Urban Fantasy; Young Adult; Zombie,Canada,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage),Fiction,Fiction-Fantasy,Horror stories,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,JUVENILE FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Paranormal,Juvenile FictionLove & Romance,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Love & Romance,Monograph Series, any,Paranormal,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Romance - General,Supernatural,Supernatural;Fiction.,TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,TEEN'S FICTION HORROR & GHOST STORIES,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Horror,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Young Adult;Adventure;Fantasy;Paranormal;Romance;Zombie;Urban Fantasy;Bad Boy;Alice in Wonderland;Children's,Zombies,Zombies;Fiction.,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,JUVENILE FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Juvenile Fiction Paranormal,Juvenile FictionLove & Romance,Love & Romance,Paranormal,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Horror,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Fiction,Horror stories,Supernatural,Zombies,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage)
The Queen of Zombie Hearts White Rabbit Chronicles Gena Showalter Books Reviews
Authors take note...this is the way to end a series! The Queen of Zombie Hearts is an epic conclusion to an amazing series that will leave any fan extremely happy, full of tears, and eager to re-read the entire series as soon as they're done. Gena Showalter has never disappointed me with a book, and this novel is definitely no exception. Every single scene is extremely well-crafted, from the writing to the descriptions to the voice of Ali Bell. Ms. Showalter throws twists and turns at us throughout the book, and you never know what is going to happen next! Just when you think everything is going to be okay, BAM! CURVEBALL! And I absolutely LOVED it.
Ali has always been one of my favorite main characters. She has such a wonderfully hilarious POV, and she has only grown snarkier. Watching her development over the course of the series has been such an amazing thing to read. Ms. Showalter did a remarkable job at growing Ali into a strong, kick-ass heroine that goes to the ends of the earth for those she loves and cares about. Ali-gator is better than ever in this one, and is just plain awesome! Cole is as swoonworthy as ever, and will have you fanning yourself many many times. Seriously, the boy is sexy to the extreme and I want need him in my life. He is so protective of his Ali-gator, but at the same time lets her take charge and be her own person. He doesn't treat her like a baby or fragile little thing anymore. Cole realizes that she can handle her own, and let's her go do her thing. The chemistry between Cole and Ali is undeniable, and is intense. Their romance is extremely well written and just adorable. I absolutely adore their relationship!
The minor characters, who in my opinion have never just been minor characters, are just as amazing as our 2 main leads. Kat and Reeves are the best girlfriends a person can have, and everyone needs a Kat in their lives. The whole gang is back, but there are also some new characters that we get to know. However, reader beware...there's a betrayer in their midst, and you won't see it coming. This book will leave you guessing until the end, and you will be speed reading to find out what happens.
This book definitely has some heart-wrenching moments, and you will definitely cry (or at least have tears in your eyes) at one part at the end. I couldn't believe when a certain character died, but don't worry, things work out in their own way.
Ms. Showalter's imagination and creativity is at an all-time high in this novel, and she delivers yet another amazing read. I highly recommend reading this book if you are a fan of the series because you won't be disappointed. However, if you haven't read this series yet, go get this book NOW! You need to read this series, as it will definitely be one of your new favorite series'. I can't wait to see what Ms. Showalter writes next!
Happy reading )
Getting shot makes us cranky, I see.
Catching Butterflies
Ali Bell has gone through a ton in this series, and it didn't stop in Queen of Zombie Hearts. She's gotten so strong over time that she is a true force to be reckoned with which makes it even better that she's so often taken for granted since she looks like she stepped right out of a children's fairy tale book. This one starts off with an ambush that leads to a full-on war and the slayers are fighting two separate enemies (a horde of soul-eating zombies and the mad scientist group Anima). There are a lot of deaths which get harder with each book since I love every single character in this series.
The Blood Soaked Road
Text-speak gets annoying sometimes, but thankfully it's not used too much.
Gooey Center
Finally Cole and Ali have patched things up, but this one is in no way easy on their relationship. Ali finds out one of her relatives is responsible for Cole's mother's death. Much drama ensues. There are a couple of moments where Ali seems like that young girl idealizing love that you want to shake, but she corrects herself after a few chapters which is refreshing.
We Won
The concepts are unique, the story is very character-driven, and the plot just gets more intriguing. Each book is filled with more new characters to love, a ton of action and sass. Definitely recommended.
Originally given 4.5 stars at <A href="http//">JC's Book Haven</A>.
It took me a bit to finish listening to The Queen of Zombie Hearts because I just wanted to hold off on finishing this book. The first apart of the book alone put me through the ringer and I needed some time to recuperate.
Gena Showalter definitely knows how to make a reader go through so many emotions in just the beginning of the book. Geez! I was not prepared to deal with it all.
Alice Bell thinks the worst is behind her, until Anima Industries decides to play dirty. This is when the emotional rollercoaster happens in the story. Be prepared for it by getting yourself a box of tissues a head of time, otherwise you will be like me, using your shirt or your husband's shirt to wipe away the tears. Darn you, Gena! I wasn't prepared.
The war between Anima and the slayers have definitely come forward, but this time Alice and the slayers are not prepared. There's also the issue of this woman showing up to only Alice to share information with her and help her with new powers. Unfortunately, the other slayers don't like this at all. Alice is going to learn a lot about herself and her past. It may drive a wedge between her and Cole. There's also other issues that show up in the story that I do not want to give away. Cole though is still a favorite of mine, even when he's been offish. I just adore him, especially with Ali. They eventually get some happiness, but it takes a lot of heartache for that to happen.
This book definitely was the tearjerker of the books so far. I haven't read the fourth book yet and I'm afraid too after what happened in this one. I will though eventually. I'll have to listen to it, like I did with this one and the other two.
Overall, I give this book 4.5 stars and recommend it to Young Adult Fantasy readers out there. Read these books in order though. You definitely don't want to read them out of order.
Gena Showalter has always been a master of storytelling, which is why she will forever be a auto-buy author for me. I look forward to not only the fourth book in the White Rabbit Chronicles, but the other books she's planning to write in the future. LOVE her books!

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